2024 Sponsors

Starkiller Base

Hail our most venerable contributors to our cause of defeating the rebels and reuniting the galaxy under our glorious banner. We venerate you for helping the Empire to the highest degree at every chance you get, so we thank you ever so much.

Credits needed to enter tier: 7000 Credits to an Infintite Credits (10000 U.S. Dollars to an infinte amount of U.S. Dollars)

Death Star

As the Death Star is a mighty tool, so are you because your generous donation of credits allow us to continue our ultimate goal of unifying the galaxy once again in a peaceful reign.

Credits Needed to enter tier: 5250 Credits to 6999 Credits (7500 U.S. Dollars to 9999 U.S. Dollars)

Star Dreadnought

We admire you for your contributions to our glorious effort to both reunify the galaxy under our command.

Credits needed to enter tier: 3500 Credits to 5249 Credits (5000 U.S. Dollars to 7499 U.S. Dollars)

Star Destroyer

Just like a Star Destroyer, You fly high above the skies and provide glorious support to the Empire and its might and unstoppable army.

Credits needed to enter tier: 1750 Credits to 3499 Credits (2500 U.S. Dollars to 4999 U.S. Dollars


Just as our bomber supports our ever marching army below, you support our efforts with the credits you've given us.

Credits needed to enter tier: 700 Credits to 1749 Credits (1000 U.S. Dollars to 2499 U.S. Dollars)


Just as the limitless swarm of fighters, you are one of many donators that help us achieve our goal of reuniting the galaxy under our rule and that is because of all your help.

Credits needed to enter tier: 350 Credits to 699 Credits (500 U.S. Dollars to 999 U.S. Dollars)

Pauline Allen